Friday, July 29, 2005

Ditto Last Week

Yes, more of the same, clients plus third-quarter store work... Some new graphics!

Check my website and other blogs for more specific news, especially in Music Stuff Blog.

Sorry to be so dull. (This Blog is even boring me.)


Sunday, July 17, 2005

The Latest...

from your Graphic Designer here.

Busy with some client work, and really buckling down with the CafePress stores.

It's approaching that retail time of year!

Also blogging, Yahoo Grouping, websiting...

Friday, July 08, 2005

Behind-the-Scenes GD-type Work

Not much going on that I can show you or tell you about right now. Client work, work in the back of the stores, etc. Working plenty, but nothing much I can share with you right now.

I'll have more to write about as Fall approaches.

Enjoy the Summer.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Not Much Update...

I've still been busy with client work. I am nearly at a stopping point, however, so will move on to doing more work on the other areas of my business soon.

Have a good holiday weekend. Keep cool.