I'm also noticing that not being able to have live links in the CafePress newsletter is not translating as well as I'd like here. I'm thinking perhaps I should do it the other way around - with my monthly newsletter *here* and copying it over to the CafePress newsletter. Think I'll do that for the next, August, Issue...
Also, please forgive me for the long length of this - this will not be a habit for me! (I'm still getting my feet wet with this blog...?)
Back to my monthly news from my CafePress store...
= In the July Issue just sent out I mentioned that I've once again opened up my Back-to-School section
= That there's New Graphics - Peace Doves
See the Peace Doves in your choice of four colors

= I mentioned I've got my Facebook Music Stuff & More (business) Page up and running. Please come and be my Fan.
This Business Page will be solely focused on my Music Stuff & More Merchandise - and Music itself. It will include the entries from my Music Stuff Blog (such as Music Monday, TootsDay, WindsDay, Music TGIF - Bad Music Joke of the Week, new graphic and new merchandise updates, and other news and posts related to the focus of this Facebook Page. There are music clips to listen to, samples of my merchandise, and I'll be starting to post photos of my merchandise in a Facebook Photo Album as well. I'll like to post some items from my experience as a music tutor - items *about* music.
You can also find this Page from my Facebook Profile Page @ facebook.com/carolynhmayer
= I'm elsewhere online...
Look for...
Music TGIF - Bad Music Joke of the Week
@ Music Stuff Blog - chm-musicstuff.blogspot.com
@ www.twitter.com/chmayer
@ facebook.com/carolynhmayer
And, quoting myself in the Newsletter, I'll be more active on my "Designing Woman" Blog as well @ http://chmdesign.blogspot.com [That would be *here*!], another good place to look for updates, especially between these monthly newsletters.
To varying degrees I'm also on MySpace, LinkedIn, Digg, StumbleUpon, Technocrati, and Squidoo.
= Handy Links...
Don't forget - you can bail yourself out by visiting the "Bernanke Bargain Bin" featuring merchandise priced under $10. Note that this under-$10 merchandise is also found throughout the [CafePress] store at these low prices, not just in the "Bernanke Bargain Bin."
Please note that there's something of a music merchandise index for the Music Stuff & More store [@ CafePress] in the Music Stuff Blog
= CHM Design Store - Music Stuff & More @ www.cafepress.com/chmdesign
= "NEW NEW NEW Section" in "Sales & Features" in Music Stuff & More store
= "Music Merchandise Section" in Music Stuff & More
= Music Stuff Blog @ chm-musicstuff.blogspot.com
= General All-Purpose CHM Business News - CHM Biz News Blog @ wazzup-chm.blogspot.com
and its new companion blog "Designing Woman" @ chmdesign.blogspot.com
= Music Stuff & More @ Squidoo - www.squidoo.com/MusicStuff (new, still under construction)
My Website (old and a little worn-out, but still functional, and useful and amusing in places, updated monthly. A site renovation has begun offline and has been in the works for some time now - let's look for the new website to be completed in 2009!): www.carolynhmayer.com
(Website update: Really bogged down now in that I'm on a new computer with new Web Design software, but I'm *paying* Yahoo for this website, and I do intend to get my money's worth! So, website renovation is still very much on.)
Also, Please "Follow Me" on Twitter @ www.twitter.com/chmayer (And, note I'm in Twitter's Directory under "Music".).
Long post, but with lots of info. Remember the aforementioned newsletter is from CafePress - I do also do at Zazzle, and to a lesser extent, Spreadshirt!
Music Stuff & More
@ www.cafepress.com/chmdesign
@ www.zazzle.com/chmayer*
CHM Music Stuff @ chmmusicstuff.spreadshirt.com
And, please don't forget to check the busy Music Stuff Blog @ chm-musicstuff.blogspot.com